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2023Figma | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Illustrator | Shopify Branding | Content Management
Deziah'ed Roots Project -
The name Deziah'ed Root's was named after my sweet blessing son, Ziah which is a combination of his name and the word "Desire". The word "Roots" meaning hair that grows healthy from the roots!

Project Challenge


Deziah'ed Roots approached me because they thought their product labels were uninteresting and did not stand out enough. Their request is for me to come up with a new design for their labels to enhance the brand and expand their existing product range.

The brand's exposure was causing problems for Deziahed'ed Roots. I was given the task of designing a new logo that would be both a representation of the product and a tribute to her three young children. The product was developed in response to the struggle to find decent natural products to use on her daughter's hair.


Design Approach


I created a logo that directly compliments the product and the personality of her children. The yellow / orange gradient was used to represent the sun, as the client's eldest daughter's pet name is'sunshine'. The figure in the center represents the product used on one of her kids' hair. The diamond sparkles represent her middle daughter's pet name, which is 'diamond', as well as the shine of the product.

I began with a selection of colors chosen by the client, along with a chosen font style. The color scheme was selected to help the logo stand out even more.


The Solution


Here is a digital rendered version of the current product range. The client would like this to be added to the website to showcase the product. Adobe Photoshop and illustrator was used to complete the design.

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