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About Me

Hello, my name is Kyan, from an early age Technology and Art has always fascinated me. I spent hours and hours exploring the web and exploring graphics editors like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. It wasn't until I was asked to create my first website using Macromedia Dreamweaver that I discovered my love of the Web. The decisions made at the start of my life lead me rather to pursue architecture. It wasn’t until early in the degree, I quickly realised Tech was where I want to be. This is what pushed me to change my Degree to Computer and IT with the Open University.

I've always been fond of elegant designs. I have always been curious about the inner workings of a web application. It was then that I discovered Front End Development as a career path. I believe it's the perfect balance that will allow me to use my artistic flair and solve problems to create a visually appealing user interface, that will give users an amazing digital experience.

When I’m not in front of a computer screen you will find me engaging in a range of activities such as Skating, Running, Go Karting, Drawing and Calisthenics. Feel free to reach out so we can get to know each other.