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2023React | Rapid API Frontend Development
StriveHive Prototype
"Mind and Body better together"

Project Challenge


This project was intended to bring a previous project to life by creating a prototype of a section of it. React was my choice to explore front-end frameworks. The challenge of connecting the UI to an Exercise API and YouTube API was enjoyable for me, which resulted in over 500 exercises with an animation. It gives instructions on how to perform the exercise and which body muscle it targets. The MUI components were enjoyable to use because they allowed me to use professional-styled components without having to write too much CSS.


Design Approach


I opted for the same colours used throughout the Strivehive design phase. I enjoyed using Asynchronous programming as it was a good way of learning how I can execute tasks independently rather than sequentially. I was able to set up a fetchData program to fetch the data from the API and return it as JSON.

The Solution


In general, the project was great and provided me with a lot of new techniques and technologies that will be useful in the future. Moving forward, I hope my team and I can develop the full app with all its components and launch it for the fitness world to embrace.

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