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2022Data AnalysisMicrosoft Excel | Tableau | JukeBox
Cantril HappinessReport -
Since 2002, the World Happiness Report has used analysis to establish key factors, which influence a Countries happiness. They are based on answers to life evaluation questions in a poll. This is known as the Cantril ladder.
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Project Challenge


The Cantril scale or Cantril-ladder is an instrument for measuring people's attitudes towards their life and its components in various respects. The factors (levels of GDP, life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom, and corruption) are estimated to contribute to making life evaluations higher in each country. The data set provided were collected and collated between 2015 to 2019. Review this data noting the overall ranking and score. For this project, I was tasked to provide a visual representations and correlations between each data set. I was asked to analyse and draw conclusions from the data on characteristics, similarities picked up with each country.

Design Approach


CSV (Comma Separated Values) is the format of all 5 files. CSV is generally faster and less complicated in comparison to Excel. I used Microsoft Excel to filter the data, once filtered I used a both Tableau and Juke box to produce my visual representations.
I made use of 3 graphs when conducting my analysis. Those 3 car Line graphs, bar charts and Pie charts. These are the three I felt were best suited for this project.

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The Solution


After assessing all 5 datasets I created a series of graphs which highlight countries who have performed well over the period. Those who have remained consistent followed by those that have performed poorly. The steps taken to fulfil this, were filtering copying the stats from all the key attributes per country as some datasets. I rounded the datasets from 2017 - 2019 to the nearest 3 d.p to fall in line with the data from the other two sets.

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